
2019 - Web Application

Ecroc is a project carried out by a team of 5 people with the aim of automating food distribution for their dog. The completion of this project constitutes one of our grades for our STI2D baccalaureate, SIN option.

Its realization required great attention to the specifications to ensure that the project met the required standards. After numerous studies (Existing analysis, diagram creation, needs definition, etc.), we were able to start selecting the technical choices that could be used.

For my part, my function was to create the website allowing access to our kibble dispenser remotely. The solution chosen for its implementation was PHP along with the use of SQL. This was an opportunity for me to work on a first project with a technology I had never used before.

The site includes an authentication system, a management panel for the dogs, and numerous configuration settings. The owner can monitor the food consumption of their various dogs in real-time, change the amount of food based on days and meals, and be alerted at any time in case of a problem with the device.

For our product to function, I also took part in managing the communication between the website and an Arduino. For this, various PHP scripts were created and a communication protocol was established between the two parts. The data returned by the server is in JSON format and processed by the Arduino with a library designed for this purpose.